Tuesday, December 28, 2010

wanna just crawl back in bed

Well this morning I woke to Jasmine in my bed at about 4 am, So I had to get her a new sippy and then shut her in her room to go back to sleep. Its either shut her door or have her come back in my room and play whack mommy in the head till I finally just say forget going back to sleep and just crawl out of bed. So we both go back to sleep, about 6:30 am she is at her door banging on it. I give up and just open her door and then crawl back into bed. Well no surprise when not even 2 seconds after I crawl into bed I hear her pushing her brothers shopping cart down the hall to my room and she starts pretending she stirring something in one of her play kitchens pot. Thankfully she didn't think to hit me in the head with the pot. She instead decided that she would just crawl on me and kick me in the head. So finally after thirty minutes of being climbed on, hit in the head too many times to count I finally crawl out of bed at 7am. No I am not a morning person, I would rather just lie in bed and take being hit in the head than get out of bed for the day. She does just sit with me on the bed here and there which that's cute cause sometimes she pretends to snore or gives me baby kisses.

Connor finally wakes up at about 8, which I can't believe he is finally learning to sleep in only wish he learned it sooner. Made pancakes for us this morning and of course halfway through Jasmine decides Hooch our dog would like some of her pancakes. Hooch has gotten so fat since she learned to throw food on the floor for him. Everytime she throws food on the floor I just have to tell her just wait till your daddy gets home. Since when we talk on webcam, he sits there and yells at her to put stuff down and to behave. Its so funny that he thinks she will listen. But I think she has gotten so used to hearing and seeing him on webcam that she thinks if she climbs on to the computer chair and pokes the screen where daddy's picture is she can talk to him. I have our family picture that was taken before he left on the computer screen. Despite how many times I tell her to get down just just does it anyway. She is so hard headed just like her daddy. So here we are after breakfast Connor is on the couch playing with his nerf gun and Jasmine is running around kicking a little basketball and going head first into the basket of the stroller.

So I already checked on the Sunbaby diapers I ordered they are still sitting in Inwood, NY on USPS since the 22nd. I can't wait to finally get them. I am hoping they come in some time this week, since USPS doesnt always update the tracking as much as the other shipping companies. Already made room for Jasmine's cloth diapers in her drawers, also finally took down the crib this past weekend since she has been sleeping in her toddler bed despite the early morning wake ups she does. Which those are normal she has always done a early wake up but she usually goes back to sleep as soon as she gets something to drink.

Also took down the inside Christmas decorations since it just doesn't feel like Christmas without Matt here or without our family being around us. I still have to take down the outside Christmas lights but I will leave those up till after my anniversary and New Years Eve. Still can't believe this Friday it will be 7 years that me and Matt have been married. Look at pictures from 7 years ago and now wow we have changed some.

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