welcome, welcome, welcome! you have stumbled upon (or purposely found) the Military Monday Blog Hop! while your gracious hosts are military wives and blogging connoisseurs, we invite all of you, military or not, to join in this great new blog hop to get your week started and your blog following grown! feel free to link up as many blogs as you have - but please don't leave links to your facebook, twitter or other blog hops (those links will be deleted!). you can also share this blog hop on your own blog, if you please.... we totally encourage it!
the guidelines are quite simple here!
- grab the Military Monday Blog Hop button and post it as a new blog post or somewhere on your blog so we can be sure you are at the right hop!
follow all three hosts {just click the buttons below!} - we promise to follow back, just give us a few days to catch up with everyone!
Follow as many, or as few, of the linked blogs as you like - but remember, the more you follow, the more followers you will get in return! be sure to leave a comment that you stopped by from the Military Monday Blog Hop and leave your blog address!!our feature blogger this week is Jessica from Life With A Little Guy!
Tell us about the name of your blog.... I picked Life with a Little Guy because it seemed perfect. My blog is about my day to day life with my son, Jacob. My husband and I often call him little guy so that's where it came from. Although he's not so little anymore ;/
Where are you from? I'm originally from Baltimore, Maryland. I miss it, as odd as it sounds. It's definitely not one of the best places to live, but it's where family is.
Why do you blog? There are a couple reasons. First I love blogging because it allows me to look back at these times with my son. One day he'll be older, and I will always have what I wrote about to remember it all. The second is that it allows me to connect with other people like myself. Being a mom can be tough. There are ups and downs. It's good to know that I am not the only one who feels this way and its nice to learn from other people. What works for them, what doesn't.
Do you have any goals for the new year? I have a few. My top one would be to start getting healthier. Eatting more home cooked meals, less fast food. Working out when I can. I hope that the change can also help me lose some weight. Another goal of mine is to sell our house! My husband gets out in 2012, and so in preparation for that we plan to put our house up for sale in 2011.
thanks for joining us, and we hope you make some great new blog friends today! now, let's get hoppin'!
following back :)