Above is when we went to see Santa, Which Jasmine just loved him. She even called him "Da". She also wanted her picture takin with her finger up her nose. Which Santa kept moving her hand, so she couldn't put her finger back up her nose. As you can see she already has that finger ready. After the picture was takin and I was trying to pay for it Jasmine kept trying to walk beck to Santa. Which I told Matt about her calling Santa "Da" and he says I know I am fat but I didn't think I was huge. Which in noway is Matt fat.

So this was a wonderful morning of being hit in the head by Jasmine and then hearing Connor say Santa came. It was just too cute. The kids were so excited and happy that Santa came. Santa brought a kitchen for Jasmine and a Basketball and Basketball hoop for Connor. Both kids loved all the presents they got.

Okay so I have reread Kim Harrison's book series again and I am salivating at the mouth to read Black Magic Sanction, and I just read the first chapter on Pale Demon and can't wait to read them both. For those of you who haven't read her series, it is about a powerful with named Rachel Morgan who basically is stumbling from one thing to another, always getting into trouble. I can't wait to find out how Rachel is doing in the two last books. Don't really want to give any spoilers away so I won't go farther into details.
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