Friday, December 17, 2010


Ok so the last two days the housing I live in has had people redoing the roofs. That has been fun to deal with. They sent out a letter last week stating that they would send someone around to let us know when they would be coming by. Well that didn't happen. Instead what I got was someone showing up at my door telling me I needed to move my car out of the carport so they can back a truck up in to my driveway. So that they can just throw the old roofing stuff into the truck. So I moved the car, Jasmine had only a hour nap earlier. Roofers showed up about 1pm. I usually get her to sleep about 2 hours in the morning but if she doesn't I have to put her down for another nap after lunch or she is ready to crash by 6pm. If she crashes by 6 there is no way she will sleep till 6 in the morning.

So they start to remove old roofing. About a hour into all the banging on the roof and me just giving up on getting Jasmine down for a second nap I hear a loud smack in the ceiling. Check all the ceilings in the bedrooms don't see anything. Check the hallway and low and be hold I see a huge crack next to the entrance into the living room. So I go tell the roofers and they look at me like I am crazy. Then again I don't even think they all speak English. They check it out say oh we can fix it when we get done. I call housing to let them know about it. They send someone out, so at this point five different guys have seen it and kinda look at it like they don't know what to do about it.

Later I went outside to talk to my neighbor after he burrowed some staples for his staple gun. All of a sudden vents start dropping off my roof. I am standing saying I hope I don't need that up there. The vents weren't even going into the truck that had parked at the end of the carport. Just wow is all I can say for yesterday.

Then today they came back to finish up. They didn't ask me to move my car. I left for Connor's appointment at about 11am. I cam back almost at 12:30pm. I had no where to park. Both sides of the road had cars lined up on it, to the point you can barely get a vehicle between them. I ended up parking in my neighbors driveway since I knew they had went on leave and wouldn't be back for a couple more days or at least hoping they didn't pull up and worry who's car was in there driveway. They finished up at about 1:30 thankfully in time for me to get Jasmine down for another nap since she fell asleep in my arms while I did her asthma medicine about thirty minutes before I had to pick up Connor from school.

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