Okay so far this week I have spent three hours sitting in doctors office and pharmacy. All to find out that the medicine that Urgent Care gave my 14 month old daughter didn't work. She originally was about two to three days away from having a ear infection from what the Urgent Care doctor said. Well now she has a full blown ear infection in both ears. She also has allergies and possibly might have asthma. She also has some weird eye boogies but I really won't go into what the doctor said about that except to say its not pink eye, thank goodness. So she has about five different medicines she is suppose to take a day.
Connor had also gone to Urgent Care when Jasmine did so I can't wait to find out if his ear infection is really gone. Since they both were given the same three medications for ear infections, bronchitis, and allergies. Which he still has a cough just like Jasmine so I wonder why he still has it.
Also spent the weekend putting up Christmas lights in a wind and dust storm here. Which just plain sucked, but Jasmine was asleep and I really didn't want to have to do it at night in a wind storm. Only thing is I ended up quitting, the wind just got so bad, trash was flying everywhere. Peoples trash cans kept trying to fly away.
I finally got done today with the lights but I have one strand that keeps popping a fuse. So I finally gave up after I changed the fuse for like fifth time. I even tried changing the strand out with another one but it still did it. So I think that post on my car port is just cursed. Which I have to say for my first time actually hanging lights outside by myself I didn't do to bad. Usually Matt does it but since he isn't here I did it. I really wish he was here cause the outside lights is his job. He does it so much better than me. Connor really wanted the lights up. He is so excited. My lights blink so I took apicture but not on the lights are lit up but you get the idea.

Side note thankfully I am almost done with Christmas shopping all I have left to buy is some clothes, shoes, and some slippers for the kids. Everything else is bought: stocking stuffers and toys. Now its just waiting on the orders to come in. Hopefully UPS actually rings my doorbell or knocks on the door to let me know the package is outside. Since when they dropped off the first package yesterday I had no idea it was there till I went to try to fix the Christmas lights. I mean seriously what if I never went outside. I live in a major city its not like I live in the country and don't have to worry about someone stealing it off my front porch.
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