Connor lost a tooth on Wednesday while we were eating tacos for dinner. He was so excited he wanted to put it under his pillow right away. then he tried to play off that he was tired, then it was he wasn't feeling good. Finally I got him to finish his dinner. He put his tooth under his pillow and went to bed.

In the above picture you can barely see the tooth he lost. Its the bit of white below the purple hand on the place mat he made in school. I was so happy he didn't sallow the tooth, since I heard from a couple of other moms how their kids sallowed the tooth so I warned Connor to tried to be careful when he was eating. He said when he was chewing it felt like a piece of bone.
Next morning he tried to tell me the Tooth Fairy didn't come and that his tooth was still there. So I went to his room with him and told him to check again. He barely lifted a corner of the pillow. So I had him lift the pillow more, and low and be hold looky there a dollar. He couldn't believe it. This is the conversation we had.
Mommy: So did you really look under your pillow?
Connor: Yes mommy.
Mommy: Are you sure you really really looked under your pillow?
Connor: No I didn't mommy.
Mommy: So you think next time you really gonna look before saying you did.
Connor: Yeah
Sometimes I just don't know what to think. But I do know the Tooth Fairy wouldn't forget to pick up a tooth.
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