Friday, December 3, 2010

doctors today

Okay so I finally got to talk to my husband yesterday. Well instant message him. It was really good to hear form him. We had turkey soup last night for dinner. The turkey was leftover from Thanksgiving that I had put in the freezer. The lights outside are doing good till I went to plug them in today. I popped another fuse in one of my icicle lights yet again. So I had to replace that while I was heating up leftover turkey soup.

Connor's doctors office called to tell me they had to reschedule his appointment. I got them talked into letting us come in today. So I had to pick him up early, and then spent over a hour there. Connor had a build up in his ear so the nurse practitioner couldn't see in in his ear. So we had to head over to the treatment area so they could flush his ear. Which I am so proud of Connor he sat there the whole time while they did it. I don't think he even move. He was so quiet. Now Jasmine was a different story. She was so fussy since I could only let her take a 45 minute nap while I showered, got the diaper bag ready, and then started the car so it could warm up. She ended up taking a nap after we got home and had a late nap.

So I am looking into cloth diapering Jasmine. Yes its a little late in the game since she is 15 months old this month, but I think we might try for another baby. So they would be used again if we do have another. Right now I am looking at SoftBums and BumGenius. Something that even if by some miracle my husband changed a diaper he could figure it out. Probably at tax time I might be able to talk my husband into getting them.

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