Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow in El Paso day 2

Okay so it snowed here yesterday. Which just happened to cause my pilot light in my water heater to go out, then cause my hot water pipes to freeze. Yes I have cold water that works in most of the faucets but no hot water which is just weird. The maintenance people said there is nothing for them to do. Which just sucks since I had to buy some sposies till the hot water is back, hopefully soon or I will have to find a laundry mat to clean diapers. The weather channel said its suppose to warm back up tomorrow yay which means the pipes should unfreeze. Jasmine keeps trying to pick out cloth diapers out of her drawer that are clean but I just dont want to dirty up more when I have no clue when the stinkin hot water will be back. GRR this sucks.

Plus side I ordered some Go Green Pocket Champ diapers, some ebay diapers and some Kawaii diapers. So hopefully by the end of the month I should have another 27 diapers, which will bring my stash up to 52 with only one that is too small for Jasmine since its a medium. So 51 wearable diapers, maybe I can wash diapers every other day then. Since I will actually have enough liners since some of the new diapers are coming with two liners per diapers, so every diaper will actually have a liner now. As soon as all the diapers come in I will take some pics.

I am really excited about trying the Go Green Pocket Diaper. Their Champ diaper just looks like it would be great for nighttime with the double leg gusseting. Also snaps on inserts keep insert and diaper together in the wash (no sorting laundry!) and allow for optional AI2 use (liner recommended if your baby is sensitive to microfiber) which I think is a great idea.

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