Tuesday, January 11, 2011

so reason I haven't been on

Well Jasmine's eczema has been acting up again. It was getting better since I started putting socks on her feet after I put lotion on her. I have been trying to make sure she doesn't run too much in the house. Since she can slip on all the tiled floors in here. Which I hate having so much tiles I miss having carpet in most of the rooms but the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. Oh no not here in base housing in El Paso its all tile in some houses here the first place we had was like that. Now we have a different place since the AC was jacked in the place we were first put in. Which I couldn't believe that after a year of telling them something was wrong with the ac they finally sent someone into the attic and found a huge gaping hole in the ducts. Guess they just thought I was crazy since when we had first moved in I was pregnant with Jasmine.

But back to what I was talking about. The place I live in now has carpet only in the bedrooms and its Berber carpet. Where I am from Berber carpet was not common in places that were rented out. I serious hate Berber carpet only good thing is it repels stains.

So I have been running after Jasmine trying to catch her so she doesn't do a face plant most of the time. Also she has been climbing on my desk and any other table in the house if I turn my back on her for more than five seconds. That and she gets snacks out of the pantry when I am not looking. I so need to buy another two baby gates for the kitchen since the child safety locks are only on the cabinets not the pantry and she broke one child safety lock when she kept trying to force it open. believe it.

Also been trying to deal with doctors for both Kids. I have to turn Connor's IEP in to the doctors office which they just opened up a new clinic and that's where I have to go. Which I have no clue on where it is at. So I got to figure that one out since I suck when it comes to directions and driving in a area that I don't know too well. Which is one reason I hate El Paso with them trying to put in all these stupid interstate style roads in with off ramps. It just makes driving here worst for me I get so confused which is why I really wish my husband was here. Dealing with audiology and Speech Pathology for Connor, then the ENT for Jasmine which was she is going to a ENT tomorrow is beyond me. I would have thought that we would see someone for either her eczema or or asthma but no we are seeing the ENT. Makes no sense, ya she has had a couple of ear infections but I will be damned if they tell me they need to put tubes in her ears. Well its late and I got to be able to get up in the morning to take Connor to school and then deal with finding a parking space at the hospital that is going to be fun hopefully it won't be so bad since I scheduled for a 11am appointment

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