Okay so I have been a little busy and distracted. Jasmine has seen the ENT, had her hearing check, and we just did her pre op appointment today. She still had fluid on her right ear during the hearing test so we couldn't test her right ear. Her left ear has mild to normal hearing. We go in tomorrow for her surgery. Which should be fun telling a 16 month old she can't her sippy after midnight. We have to be at the hospital at 0530 which means I have to wake up super early and get both kids ready. Take Connor next door to my neighbors house, which she is a saint for getting up that early so help me out with Connor. Which she will be taking Connor to school for me and picking him up if I am not back in time.
Side note my hubby should be home soon for 2 weeks, which will be great. I can't wait to help some help around the house, especially with the kids. Since they have just been driving me crazy. Jasmine has been the typical 16 month old getting into everything. Climbing on chairs (which she has managed to make the chair fall with her into and get a bloody nose) and climbing on tables. Connor has been doing the whole lieing (sorry if spelled wrong even spell checker isn't getting that one) thing lately and I just don't know how to nip that in the butt. Plus his room is never clean despite me asking 20 times a day and now there is this funky odor in there and I just don't know what it is and its driving me crazy not knowing.
My life as a wife of a Veteran and a mother to three wonderful children. All four who make it their mission to drive me crazy.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Well Jasmine will be having surgery down on the 25th of this month to get tubes put in her ears and to have adenoids removed. I am so stressed out with all the doctors appointments and now the surgery and Matt coming home soon.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
so reason I haven't been on
Well Jasmine's eczema has been acting up again. It was getting better since I started putting socks on her feet after I put lotion on her. I have been trying to make sure she doesn't run too much in the house. Since she can slip on all the tiled floors in here. Which I hate having so much tiles I miss having carpet in most of the rooms but the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. Oh no not here in base housing in El Paso its all tile in some houses here the first place we had was like that. Now we have a different place since the AC was jacked in the place we were first put in. Which I couldn't believe that after a year of telling them something was wrong with the ac they finally sent someone into the attic and found a huge gaping hole in the ducts. Guess they just thought I was crazy since when we had first moved in I was pregnant with Jasmine.
But back to what I was talking about. The place I live in now has carpet only in the bedrooms and its Berber carpet. Where I am from Berber carpet was not common in places that were rented out. I serious hate Berber carpet only good thing is it repels stains.
So I have been running after Jasmine trying to catch her so she doesn't do a face plant most of the time. Also she has been climbing on my desk and any other table in the house if I turn my back on her for more than five seconds. That and she gets snacks out of the pantry when I am not looking. I so need to buy another two baby gates for the kitchen since the child safety locks are only on the cabinets not the pantry and she broke one child safety lock when she kept trying to force it open. believe it.
Also been trying to deal with doctors for both Kids. I have to turn Connor's IEP in to the doctors office which they just opened up a new clinic and that's where I have to go. Which I have no clue on where it is at. So I got to figure that one out since I suck when it comes to directions and driving in a area that I don't know too well. Which is one reason I hate El Paso with them trying to put in all these stupid interstate style roads in with off ramps. It just makes driving here worst for me I get so confused which is why I really wish my husband was here. Dealing with audiology and Speech Pathology for Connor, then the ENT for Jasmine which was she is going to a ENT tomorrow is beyond me. I would have thought that we would see someone for either her eczema or or asthma but no we are seeing the ENT. Makes no sense, ya she has had a couple of ear infections but I will be damned if they tell me they need to put tubes in her ears. Well its late and I got to be able to get up in the morning to take Connor to school and then deal with finding a parking space at the hospital that is going to be fun hopefully it won't be so bad since I scheduled for a 11am appointment
But back to what I was talking about. The place I live in now has carpet only in the bedrooms and its Berber carpet. Where I am from Berber carpet was not common in places that were rented out. I serious hate Berber carpet only good thing is it repels stains.
So I have been running after Jasmine trying to catch her so she doesn't do a face plant most of the time. Also she has been climbing on my desk and any other table in the house if I turn my back on her for more than five seconds. That and she gets snacks out of the pantry when I am not looking. I so need to buy another two baby gates for the kitchen since the child safety locks are only on the cabinets not the pantry and she broke one child safety lock when she kept trying to force it open. believe it.
Also been trying to deal with doctors for both Kids. I have to turn Connor's IEP in to the doctors office which they just opened up a new clinic and that's where I have to go. Which I have no clue on where it is at. So I got to figure that one out since I suck when it comes to directions and driving in a area that I don't know too well. Which is one reason I hate El Paso with them trying to put in all these stupid interstate style roads in with off ramps. It just makes driving here worst for me I get so confused which is why I really wish my husband was here. Dealing with audiology and Speech Pathology for Connor, then the ENT for Jasmine which was she is going to a ENT tomorrow is beyond me. I would have thought that we would see someone for either her eczema or or asthma but no we are seeing the ENT. Makes no sense, ya she has had a couple of ear infections but I will be damned if they tell me they need to put tubes in her ears. Well its late and I got to be able to get up in the morning to take Connor to school and then deal with finding a parking space at the hospital that is going to be fun hopefully it won't be so bad since I scheduled for a 11am appointment
Sunbaby Diapers mainly
Okay so I know its been awhile since I wrote on here. I finally received my Sunbaby Diapers. I love them so far, only thing that is frustrating me so far is no matter what I do I leave little red marks on Jasmine's legs from the elastic. The hips snaps are great but I have tried to loosen it as much as possible but it really hasn't helped. Jasmine also broke out in a rash on the second day so I rewashed them thinking I didn't do enough rinses. Which adding another rinse as solved the problem she also didn't like the whole cloth wipe and a spray bottle to well. So I am still using regular wipes but I am thinking of switching to those flushable ones so I don't have to make sure I remove the wipes when she does a number 2 and I dump stinkies in to the toilet. So I did end up using sposies while I rewashed and rinsed all the cloth diapers but once they were all washed I ended up just using one of the wipes as a barrier between the diaper rash cream and her diaper. Since she kept pointing at the cloth diapers and saying "this" and also running off with them, while I was stuffing the liners into them. Connor and Jasmine ended up turning it into a game, she would grab a arm full of liners (I had the liners separated from the diapers) and run off with them, then I would say thief and Connor would run after her to get them back. They were just giggling up a storm and Jasmine thought it was so hilarious.
Jasmine will not let me put a sposie on her now,
she runs straight to her drawer with her cloth diapers and starts point and saying "this". So I have been letting her pick which one she wants to wear. Now I just have to get her to understand that I have been stuffing the solid color diapers for nighttime diapers. So I ended up with four that can't be stuffed. Above is a picture of 24 out of 25 cloth diapers that I have. My favorite prints are the skulls and the pink stars both are the black Sunbaby diapers and the one Ooga Booga one from Little Pigeon Diaper Company.
During the day I have used both brands and they are both really nice diapers. I have had no leaks so far with both brands during the day. Both brands start to get squishy and feel a little cold when you ouch the cover at about 3-4 hours, but no leakage so far. Now I will say I do change them every two - three hours but I wanted to see how it would do during the day with only one liner in it.
Now for nighttime I have only used the Sunbaby diaper so far since I honestly don't think I can fit to liners into the Little Pigeon Diaper Company diaper. I use two liners in the Sunbaby diaper. Jasmine goes to bed about 7:30pm and usually she wakes up about once in the middle of the night which is any where from midnight till about 4:30am wanting a new sippy. So far no leaks. Even the one last night where she slept from about 7:30pm till about 4:30am no leaks but it sure was full.
So honestly in my opinion for the price of the Sunbaby diapers and quality of the cloth diaper I do think they are a steal. Just don't order around a holiday like I did. My Sunbaby diapers were shipped out same day as I paid and only took a day to get to the US from China but since it was a holiday they sat forever in New York. I paid on the 22 of December I received them on the 8th of January which honestly isn't bad. But when you have the USPS who it got transferred to when it hit the US tell you they don't know what is going on and they have no info on your package and for you to contact the sender to start a investigation it on it because it just has to have the wrong address on it (that is what the lady at USPS tracking phone number told me as soon as I answered China for her question of what country is was coming from.) I could go into a lot of negative remarks on the USPS tracking but I won't.
Jasmine will not let me put a sposie on her now,

During the day I have used both brands and they are both really nice diapers. I have had no leaks so far with both brands during the day. Both brands start to get squishy and feel a little cold when you ouch the cover at about 3-4 hours, but no leakage so far. Now I will say I do change them every two - three hours but I wanted to see how it would do during the day with only one liner in it.
Now for nighttime I have only used the Sunbaby diaper so far since I honestly don't think I can fit to liners into the Little Pigeon Diaper Company diaper. I use two liners in the Sunbaby diaper. Jasmine goes to bed about 7:30pm and usually she wakes up about once in the middle of the night which is any where from midnight till about 4:30am wanting a new sippy. So far no leaks. Even the one last night where she slept from about 7:30pm till about 4:30am no leaks but it sure was full.
So honestly in my opinion for the price of the Sunbaby diapers and quality of the cloth diaper I do think they are a steal. Just don't order around a holiday like I did. My Sunbaby diapers were shipped out same day as I paid and only took a day to get to the US from China but since it was a holiday they sat forever in New York. I paid on the 22 of December I received them on the 8th of January which honestly isn't bad. But when you have the USPS who it got transferred to when it hit the US tell you they don't know what is going on and they have no info on your package and for you to contact the sender to start a investigation it on it because it just has to have the wrong address on it (that is what the lady at USPS tracking phone number told me as soon as I answered China for her question of what country is was coming from.) I could go into a lot of negative remarks on the USPS tracking but I won't.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
been busy
Okay so it has been pretty busy around here since I last blogged. My dad has ended up in the hospital twice. The first time for a stroke and they told him he has emphysema. Then he went in again for chest pains and they told him one of the valves in his heart isn't working right and that he has diabetes. They will be doing some stress test on him tomorrow. I have been on the phone with my mom so much yesterday and today that I barely have time for the kids, but we did bake today. I have noticed that when life gets crazy for me I bake something.
Jasmine has just been keeping me on my toes by climbing on everything if I turn my back on her for 5 seconds. So that has been keeping me pretty busy too. She is getting to be such a handful and I can't wait to see how Matt takes her being into everything when he come homes for 2 weeks. Jasmine's eczema has also been acting up he poor little ankles no matter how much lotion on put on them, keeps itching apparently. Since when I got her up this morning one of her ankles was just glistening like how a scrape would when its not bad enough to bleed. Which when I had to run to Walmart to get milk and eggs I put socks on her since its cold outside and by time we got home there was a tiny bit of blood on the sock. So I have been putting neosporin on her ankles to try to get them to heal enough so I can put lotion on her. Poor thing its just her ankles that get really dry and itchy.

I also tried out the Yiddle Dapper diaper that I won and I loved it. Jasmine also did too, she was pretty upset when it had to be takin off for her bath after lunch. Its the first cloth diaper she has tried on, she has worn cloth training pants not too long ago when she had a really bad rash. Which because of the rash I am converting to cloth diapers plus also the cute fabrics was just too much to resist. I am really wishing I started cloth diapering 6 years when I had my son. Side note I am still waiting for my Sunbaby order hopefully it comes in sometime this week. Apparently it sat in Customs for about 8 days due to Christmas and then with also New Years that also puts a delay on me getting them. I can't wait to try them out on Jasmine. I am also hoping to get them soon so I don't have to go buy some sposies, which I should have enough sposies to last a week or two. So I guess you can say I am praying to get that order in soon. Next I just have to figure out how to tell hubby I switch to cloth diapers and hopefully talk him into getting a diaper sprayer and some wetbags when he is home. Right now I have a laundry bag in a small
trash can which it is cloth and it is twice the size of the trash
can I bought. But hey so far it is working.
We also made brownies from scratch today and they were really good. Jasmine helped me since Connor didn't want to, but he did show up in time to lick the beaters. Of course he did right since brownie batter is just awesome. Here is some pictures and the recipe we did. I got it off of www.food.com this link should take you straight to recipe and all the reviews.
By Tweety Grams
Jasmine has just been keeping me on my toes by climbing on everything if I turn my back on her for 5 seconds. So that has been keeping me pretty busy too. She is getting to be such a handful and I can't wait to see how Matt takes her being into everything when he come homes for 2 weeks. Jasmine's eczema has also been acting up he poor little ankles no matter how much lotion on put on them, keeps itching apparently. Since when I got her up this morning one of her ankles was just glistening like how a scrape would when its not bad enough to bleed. Which when I had to run to Walmart to get milk and eggs I put socks on her since its cold outside and by time we got home there was a tiny bit of blood on the sock. So I have been putting neosporin on her ankles to try to get them to heal enough so I can put lotion on her. Poor thing its just her ankles that get really dry and itchy.

I also tried out the Yiddle Dapper diaper that I won and I loved it. Jasmine also did too, she was pretty upset when it had to be takin off for her bath after lunch. Its the first cloth diaper she has tried on, she has worn cloth training pants not too long ago when she had a really bad rash. Which because of the rash I am converting to cloth diapers plus also the cute fabrics was just too much to resist. I am really wishing I started cloth diapering 6 years when I had my son. Side note I am still waiting for my Sunbaby order hopefully it comes in sometime this week. Apparently it sat in Customs for about 8 days due to Christmas and then with also New Years that also puts a delay on me getting them. I can't wait to try them out on Jasmine. I am also hoping to get them soon so I don't have to go buy some sposies, which I should have enough sposies to last a week or two. So I guess you can say I am praying to get that order in soon. Next I just have to figure out how to tell hubby I switch to cloth diapers and hopefully talk him into getting a diaper sprayer and some wetbags when he is home. Right now I have a laundry bag in a small
trash can which it is cloth and it is twice the size of the trash
can I bought. But hey so far it is working.
We also made brownies from scratch today and they were really good. Jasmine helped me since Connor didn't want to, but he did show up in time to lick the beaters. Of course he did right since brownie batter is just awesome. Here is some pictures and the recipe we did. I got it off of www.food.com this link should take you straight to recipe and all the reviews.
By Tweety GramsIngredients:
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup margarine
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2/3 cup flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
Cocoa Glaze
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 2 tablespoons margarine (soft)
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Prep Time: 15 mins
Total Time: 40 mins
- 1 The first 3 ingredients cook over a stove on medium heat, till margarine melts.
- 2 Remove from heat, add the eggs and vanilla.
- 3 Then add the remaining ingredients.
- 4 Stir in the walnuts.
- 5 Put in a greased 8 inch squared pan, bake at 350 for 25 minutes.
- 6 I make a double batch.
- 7 Cocoa Glaze: Combine icing sugar, and cocoa powder.
- 8 Beat in margarine, add 1-2 tbsps of boiling water to make a smooth glaze.
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